Difference between From and Where Clause in SQL
1. FROM Clause: It is used to select the dataset which will be manipulated using Select, Update or Delete command.It is used in conjunction with SQL statements to manipulate dataset from source table.We can use subqueries in FROM clause to retrieve dataset from table....
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Ultra Direct Memory Access
Ultra Direct Memory Access (UDMA) is a protocol used as part of high-speed technology for data transfer from a computer’s memory to the hard drive, SSD, or other storage media. In this way, data rates and system performance are greatly maximized by using a direct channel between storage and main memory that works independently from the CPU. This article will discuss in detail the UDMA, the primary terminologies regarding it, how it works, the steps that are involved in its operation, and its advantages and disadvantages....
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Difference between Register and Buffer
1. Register : Registers are the smallest holding data elements that are built into processor itself. These are memory locations that can be directly accessible by processor. It holds small amount of data around 32-bits to 64-bits and may hold an instruction, a storage address or any kind of data such as a bit sequence or individual characters....
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Difference between 3-address instruction and 2-address instructions
Prerequisite – Instruction Formats 1. Three-Address Instructions : Three-address instruction is a format of machine instruction. It has one opcode and three address fields. One address field is used for destination and two address fields for source....
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Advanced master theorem for divide and conquer recurrences
The Master Theorem is a tool used to solve recurrence relations that arise in the analysis of divide-and-conquer algorithms. The Master Theorem provides a systematic way of solving recurrence relations of the form:...
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Types of Attributes in ER Model
In a Database Management System (DBMS), an attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity that is used to describe an entity. Essentially, it is a column in a table that holds data values. An entity may contain any number of attributes. One of the attributes is considered as the primary key. In an Entity-Relation model, attributes are represented in an elliptical shape....
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Difference between Private key and Public key
Cryptography is the science of secret writing with the intention of keeping the data secret. Cryptography is classified into symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, and hashing....
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Priority CPU Scheduling with different arrival time – Set 2
Prerequisite – Program for Priority Scheduling – Set 1Priority scheduling is a non-preemptive algorithm and one of the most common scheduling algorithms in batch systems. Each process is assigned first arrival time (less arrival time process first) if two processes have same arrival time, then compare to priorities (highest process first). Also, if two processes have same priority then compare to process number (less process number first). This process is repeated while all process get executed....
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Advantages of DBMS over File system
File System: A File Management system is a DBMS that allows access to single files or tables at a time. In a File System, data is directly stored in a set of files. It contains flat files that have no relation to other files (when only one table is stored in a single file, then this file is known as a flat file)....
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Enhanced ER Model
Prerequisite – Introduction of ER Model...
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Flutter vs Flutter 2
Overview :In this article, we will study the difference between Flutter 1 and Flutter 2. Flutter 1 was launched by Google in 2017. The reason behind launching this was so that the developer could use only a single code to develop applications for multiple platforms like Android, iOS, Linux, macOS. Here the Desktop version was in the beta phase, And no Null safety was there. Recently they released Flutter 2 in which all the bugs in flutter 1 were resolved and now the desktop is no longer in the beta phase. The best feature they introduced is the Null Safety and in-built context menu....
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Last Minute Notes – Discrete Mathematics
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